Age of AI


        The video brings to light several facets of artificial intelligence technology that are both major leaps forward for humanity but also intensely problematic for society as a whole. Artificial intelligence has the ability to simultaneously improve the workforce by reducing the need for human input on mundane tasks and also take much needed jobs away from people thus creating more unemployment. Artificial intelligence has given human beings access to driverless cars and automated assembly lines, but this takes away jobs from people who may not have any other opportunities. Automation can be good for the economy by increasing output and decreasing the amount of wages paid so companies profit. There is a cost to this however, as complicated machinery needs constant upkeep and is not nearly as reliable as a human person. Artificial intelligence has also given countries like China the ability to monitor every citizen's entire life right down to where they are at any given moment. Facial recognition technology utilizes artificial intelligence to pick any unique face out of even the largest crowds. This poses a massive privacy concern, as this information is used to keep tabs on citizens, and not necessarily for their own protection. Artificial intelligence algorithms can scour social media posts for any key words far faster than a human could. In a country like China, one post can lead to an individual being imprisoned for life. While theoretically this could be good for national security, the Chinese government uses this technology to censor opposing viewpoints. If a similar technology were implemented on a wide scale in the United States of America, the end result would likely be the exact same as the surveillance state China has become. A person's online identity should not define them, yet in many cases it does. Identities online can easily be stolen as many platforms have no real form of identification. Artificial intelligence technology allows for a new form of fraud known as deep fakes. This technology can be used to artificially create any scenario with virtually any human face with terrifying detail. In short, artificial intelligence has positive uses, but the majority of what it could be used for in society is negative. Artificial intelligence can be used to suppress a nation's citizens, and take away much needed jobs.


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