The personal computer was one of the most important inventions of the modern world. The personal computer was created with the intention of bringing the large and unwieldly computers into the average home with a consumer friendly design. The very first personal computer was named "Altair" and was developed by MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) in 1974. This was sold as a kit that the consumer had to put together, and was known to be unreliable and hard to assemble. In 1977, three computers were developed for mass market, these being the Apple II, the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80, and the Personal Electronic Transactor. The invention of the microprocessor gave computers the ability to have more functions outside of calculations. In 1981, the IBM PC was released and quickly became the fastest selling personal computer due to its superior processing power over competitors of the time. Today, the average personal computer is recognized by the components of it, rather than the branding. Most laptops or prebuilt desktops still rely on their branding for marketing however. Many people choose to build their own desktop using modular parts. The impacts of personal computers are incredibly vast. Personal computers paved the way for so many facets of modern day human communication. E-mail, digital news and social media are notable examples that only exist because of the popularity of personal computers. Virtually every household in America has a personal computer of some kind, and as such many rely on these computers for work and play. The popularity of personal computers also gave rise to the computer parts industry, creating an entire new field of work. The personal computer revolutionized the way business was conducted, with many business relying solely on computer networks to handle transactions. The personal computer made clerical work easier, as digital storage and calculation software made it easier for important documentation to be stored safely. The personal computer was more intuitive to use than a type writer, allowing for deletion of characters and no need for ink or rolls of paper. The personal computer also phased out the need for calculators. The personal computer also paved the way for "smart" electronics. In essence, smartphones and tablets are personal computers. In conclusion, the personal computer was an incredibly important invention that revolutionized the way human beings conducted work and play. The personal computer streamlined several tasks that were tedious and mundane, such as data management, spreadsheets, calculations, and more. The personal computer gave rise to new industries and made it easier than ever for people to communicate with others. The personal computer is one of, if not the most important communication technology to be created.


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