
     The issues raised in each TED talk are incredibly alarming. The idea that even the simple act of going out to a public place or driving a car can lead to invasions of a person's privacy is an incredibly terrifying one. The notion that the things posted online or even sent to trusted persons can be weaponized against you is even more alarming. The issue of privacy in the modern age is an incredibly complicated one. Security cameras and traffic cameras, at least in America, exist for safety reasons and not solely for surveillance. This in and of itself is not directly harmful, however these cameras may capture certain things that may then be shared without the individual's knowledge. Other countries such as China can be considered surveillance states, as virtually every single action a Chinese citizen does is recorded and tracked in some capacity. Issues revolving around privacy such as revenge porn and doxxing are incredibly serious and are directly related to the information an individual shares. These can affect not only the individual, but those around them such as friends and family. An individual's private misdeeds being publicly shared can directly impact that person's life, by disqualifying them from employment or leading to incarceration. Doxxing can lead to a person being harassed at their own home or workplace. Revenge porn in particular can ruin an individual's life. Revenge porn is no different than sexual harassment, and can lead to relationships being ruined. The most sensible thing the government can do in the case of revenge porn is to make legislation concerning the sharing of explicit imagery without knowledge or consent. While revenge porn is a simple legal matter, many other privacy concerns are not. The uploading of security footage cannot be made illegal, as the footage is recorded on private property and it is solely the discretion of the camera's owner whether or not to upload it. Doxxing is complicated as well, as information obtained through public domains can be freely shared, no matter how personal that information may be. The very best thing a person can do to protect their privacy is to exercise good judgement about their actions. It is best for a person to avoid posting about where they live, work, or attend school. In short, the less information an individual shares the better. 


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