
     The mainstream media will never truly be against the idea of America warring with other nations. This is due to the simple fact that in this day and age the majority of the mainstream media is little more than propaganda for a political party or corporation. Even simpler still is that war is profitable. Private contractors make billions from the American government as it constantly spends trillions on the military. The house recently just passed a 768 billion dollar defense spending bill, in order to bolster the nation's military against perceived foreign threats. The bill was even rushed through, with bipartisan support to boot. There is little justification for the majority of the United States' military operations, however it is rare that mainstream media reports on the war crimes America has committed in the Middle East. Many global superpowers spend frivolous amounts of money on exercises and implements of war such as tanks and aircraft. Many large media outlets propagate the fear that if America were to let up in its military actions, that it would leave the country open to foreign attacks. The disaster withdrawal from Afghanistan is proof enough that America is spending vast amounts of money on pointless wars. True antiwar voices are hard to find because the average American views antiwar as being no different than being against America itself. Mainstream media outlets want profits, and people are not particularly keen on reading about peaceful times. In the end, the reason for antiwar voices still being a taboo is still one simple fact. That fact is that war is profitable.


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