Diffusion of Innovations

     The pioneers of personal computers were primarily scientists and mathematicians who used these computers for data entry and calculation. They pioneered this technology due to the fact that it was more convenient than writing on paper and was somewhat more permanent than paper as well. Computers did a large amount of the calculations for the user, therefore making it a matter of convenience to pioneer this technology. The early adopters of personal computers were still primarily scientists and university students. Computers were not consumer  friendly and could only be understood by someone who held a degree in computer science at the time. By the time of the early majority, personal computers had been invented and were far more consumer friendly, but still lacked a real appeal outside of their original purposes for calculation. The late majority of adopters of the personal computer are the average household, as personal computers had progressed to the point they were able to be used for both work and recreation. By this point, personal computers had reached they point they could be easily used by anyone, and the creation of computer games, documentation software, and many other applications made them a practical purchase for both businesses and households. The laggards of personal computers are primarily the elderly, as many people who were more interested in computers were young adults or middle-aged. The elderly are far more open to this technology in recent years in order to keep in touch with family members and keep themselves mentally stimulated. There are certain positives to avoiding computer use, as overuse of this technology can lead to weight gain due to sitting for long periods of time, strained eyesight due to bright monitors, or carpal tunnel syndrome due to improper or extended use of keyboards. Many actions can still be performed without the use of a personal computer, however these actions are far more inconvenient than doing things online.


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